COOPAC Kirorero
With a scenic view on the lake Kivu, COOPAC Kirorero can be accessed by boat. This cooperative won the twenty-fourth place in the competition. Coffee Washing Station coordinates
Latitude: 423894
Longitude: 9786922
Province: West
District: Rutsiro
Sector: Boneza
Altitude: 1481 meters, processing cherries from 1450 to 1900 meters
Coffee variety: Arabica
Soil type: Heavy to very heavy clay
Soil Ph mean: 5.1
Precipitation range: 1200 to 1300 mm
Temperature range: 18 degrees
Status: Cooperative
Creation date: 2004
Treatment capacity: 100 tons of cherries
Fermentation method: Dry processing
Drying table: 49, full sun drying , 12% moist controlled with a Shore Coffee Model moisture meter
Storage: One warehouse at heard quarter
Road accessibility: Bad
Water source: Mountain natural spring.
Energy Source: Generator
Farmers Representative: Nayikoziki Felecien
Farmers Assicated With the Lot: Nibakareke Theo Nyiranzabahimana Mukangendo Chantal babonampoze Nsengimana Ez Sindambiwe Jean Sindihokubwabo Felicien Niyomugabo Nayigizente Fele Muneza Gregoire Nyiransabimana Narigizente hashakimana Barekemvuge Uwimana Marc Kayumba Gelase Murindahabi Simon Gahutu eduard
Rank | 24 |
Farm Name | Coopac Kirorero |
Farmer/Rep. | Nayikoziki Felecien |
Altitude | -1 |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2008 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | Rubavu |
Region | Western |
Program | Rwanda 2008 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Aroma citrus (5), floral (5), chocolate (4). Flavor- black currant (5), floral (5), plum (2), butter (2) . Mouthfeel round (6), silky (4), delicate (3) . |
Acidity | citric acidity (6), fruit acidity (6), sweet acidity (3) |
Processing system | Rw a fully washed Arabica |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | -1 |
High bid | 4.20 |
Total value | 8889.04 |
High bidders | Katocoffee Inc. |