Los Angeles Estate, Dipilto Gregorio Basilio Gradis With a coffee tradition coming from many generations, Don Basilio Gradis during the 80s used to produce 40 quintales per manzana (a quintal is equivalent to 100 pounds and a manzana is equivalent to 1.74 acres). His family used to own 32 manzanas, but because of the taking of lands after the war, they lost almost all of them, owning now only 8 productive manzanas As a result of the war, we lived times of no hopes here in these mountains located in the northern part of the country we used to have neighbor disagreements but we had to overcome those days due to the need to survive he explains. Although we only have bad memories, I have the joy to say that I have been able to raise my children and 3 of them are now professionals: accountants. They can look after themselves now. Don Basilio still has to raise Denis, his youngest child, who helps him by working in the farm. Promptly we discover that Denis is the inheritor of the family tradition. He is actively involved in the many activities of the casona (house farm). When we asked them how they have received the news of the quality of their coffee, Denis walking along with his father in the paths of the hacienda, he proudly expresses: The cup of excellence has raised the pride of the Gradis. Regardless of the difficulties that we have to face, by getting this award we show the results of our everyday work. Far away you can hear the clapping of hands of his mother and wife, who are making tortillas.
Rank | 23 |
Farm Name | Los Angeles |
Farmer/Rep. | Basilio Grádiz Figueroa |
Altitude | 1270 |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2007 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 14 |
City | Dipilto |
Region | Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2007 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Washed sun dried |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 8 |
Farm Size | 8 |
High bid | 4.95 |
Total value | 10541.84 |
High bidders | Ecom Japan Limited (Japan) |