Fertilization : Fertilization is done 2 times a year. Weed Control: Its done 4 times a year by hand using a hoe and a machete. Disease and plagues control: He only gets fungi attacks , so he uses fungicides for control. Varieties: CATUAI ROJO, Yellow Y CAFE 90 Tissue and Shading: Sanitary selective pruning and a 20% shade Harvesting: Harvesting begins and January and ends in April; all the family helps during this months. Wet Mill: Pulping is done with an engine pulping, natural removal of mucilage, wash and selection in tanks. Commercialization: He used to sell wet parchment to intermediary, but he was able to sell a coffe lot to Kentaro Maruyama in last years COE. Flora: guachipilin, encino, peaches, matazano, lesquin, beans, uamo,avocado Fauna: guatuza, tepescuintle, squirrels
Rank | 26 |
Farm Name | El Pino |
Farmer/Rep. | Isidro Bejarano |
Altitude | 1680 |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 46 |
City | Cangual |
Region | Intibucá |
Program | Honduras 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | dark berry, malty, red fruit, red currant, sweet plum, caramel, winey; |
Acidity | soft citrus, delicate; |
Other | long aftertaste, creamy mouthfeel, lemony citrus as cool |
Processing system | Wet Process sun dried in patios |
Variety | Catuai |
Coffee Growing Area | 4 |
Farm Size | 4 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3499 |
High bid | 2.70 |
Total value | 9447.3 |
High bidders | Nippon Coffee Trading Co.,Ltd |