Nombre: El Muro
Location: Aldea El Pinal, Monjas Jalapa.
Coffee Variety: Geisha
Extension of Productive Unit: 9.8 hectares
Lot size: 26 quintals parchment
Altitude: 4,760/4,980 feet ASL
Certifications: Starbucks
Affiliated Number- Anacafé: 26315
In the farmer El Muro are located the Main House, the Coffe Processing Plant and the greenhouse dryer, 14 years ago we started to plant the Pacas variety and since 2014 we have introduced new varieties to improve our quality and production, Geisha variety was cultivated in 2015. Finca El Muro as well that our other farms have been named by our workers, beacuse our workers are an important part of our quality production, we have taught to them to value the natural resources and they have shown their gratitude by giving us their support for more than 20 years. El Muro is surrounded by 2 streams that have a diversity of animals, both aquatic and terrestrial, our strict norm of zero hunting has yielded fruits since from the past 5 years the fauna has increased as we expected because it is necessary for a stable ecosystem.
In the long term, we have in our plans to introduce more Pacamara and Maracaturra to continue working with our Honey process and improve our quality controls.