About the farm:
The farm La Esperanza is located in the Quisulu community, municipality of Mozonte, Department of Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua . The farm is located on 1550 m above the sea level with a rainfall of 1750 mm per year, clay soil and the temperature vary between 18ºC and 25ºC. This farm I bought in 1995 and I have planted in total 21mz with coffee; 11 mz variety red catuai and 10 mz caturra which give in total 400 qq of coffee. This farm was ranked 16 in the Cup of Excellence competition in 2005.
About her family:
My family is composed of members, my wife, four children and myself.
What is the secret of your success?
The secret is in adequate harvesting; picking solo ripe beans, and adequate dry milling. At the same time the clean water during the washing process is important as well as the dry patch in African beds to avoid contact with the earth in order not to absorb different smells; the transportation to the dry mill without delays and, the last but not the least, the challenge that comes thanks to the good conditions of the nature that we have here.
How do you feel being a winner of the Cup of Excellence Nicaragua 2010?
I feel really moved, excited, I think that for all the coffee producer is a dream to have won in the Cup of Excellence competition, the rank is not so important.
His experience in the Cup of Excellence:
The Cup of Excellence is a competition that recognizes a high quality coffee and gives an opportunity to become known in the international market as well.
Rank | 19 |
Farm Name | La Esperanza |
Farmer/Rep. | Esperanza del Carmen Tercero Monca |
Altitude | 1600 |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 39 |
City | Mozonte |
Region | Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2010 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | almond, caramel, cinnamon, vanilla, melon, hibiscus, floral, rose, honey, orange, jasmine, lemon |
Acidity | elegant, mandarine, complex, long-lasting |
Other | round mouthfeel, super sweet, super clean, long sweet finish |
Processing system | Washed Sun |
Variety | Caturra Catuai |
Coffee Growing Area | 12.58 |
Farm Size | 14.68 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2567.92 |
High bid | 6.00 |
Total value | 15407.52 |
High bidders | Maling Room (Melbourne, Australia), AIR (Sydney), Five Senses (Australia), ONA coffee (Canberra Australia) |