El Chichicastal Servando started growing coffee at his farm 1978, a heritage from his father; he actually is a fourth generation in a family of coffee growers. On this farm he uses fertilization and weed control up to three times a year, on the best traditional way, helping as well with shade control and coffee tree pruning. June and September are the fertilizing months, due to the farms high altitude; he has no pest or plague problems. Among the trees used for shade are Ingas or Guamas, Musaceos (banana) fruit and wood producing trees compose about 30-40% of the farms shade. He hand picks all his coffee during harvesting season that starts in November and finishes in April. The cherries are transported by mule to the wet mill, where he uses a horizontal 4 stream pulper, engine propelled. He uses the cleanest water from a protected water source that is located in the farm. He uses fermentation tanks where the coffee stays from 10 to 15 hours until reaching fermentation point. Once the coffee reaches this stage, is washed and sun dried in patios, it takes 4-6 days to reach 12% moisture, ideal for storing, then is transported in nylon bags by pick up truck that takes 45 minutes to get to the storing facility. Hes always improving the picking process, the milling and the storing, getting better salary for the pickers so they are motivated. Also is very concerned about the environment taking care of the residual waters and pulp, also is always planting more trees for shade. Due to the coffee crisis in the past, his farm has lowered his production, causing less income, economic problems, and shortage of labor
Rank | 6 |
Farm Name | Chichicastal |
Farmer/Rep. | Servando Galo Rodriguez Lote 2 |
Altitude | 1700 |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2008 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 15 |
City | Santiago de Puringla |
Region | La Paz |
Program | Honduras 2008 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Sun Wet Process |
Variety | Catuai |
Coffee Growing Area | 14 |
Farm Size | 14 |
High bid | 7.15 |
Total value | 16314.76 |
High bidders | Kaffebrenneriet as |