Name and Location of the Farm:
Farm Las Golondrinas is located in the Community Pinabete, in the Munnicipality of Mozonte, Nueva Segovia. it is in the mountain range Dipilto-Jalapa. North Latitude 13° 45’ 11.27 “ and Longitude 86° 26’O 55.61”
Tell us The Farm History:
This property was purchased in the 70's, starting to grow coffee at the end of the 80s, working with their father, and now continue to work with great passion focused on the production of high quality coffee.
The total area of the farm is 198.5 Apples of land, (139.78 Ha.) the coffee area is 28.5 (20.07 Ha). We have an average production of 70 Quintals 100% exportable Average. There is a Height 1600 – 1800 mosl, an average rainfall 1,700 mm, the temperature is 20 `C and the Soil type is clay loam.
Family Generations:
The fourth generation family, which consists of three members between parent and child.
What is your secret for winning the competition?
Good treatment and handling techniques in both coffee farm and mill processes.
How do you feel to have been a winner?
Very happy and motivated to continue striving to maintain the quality of coffee conducting continuous improvement day by day.
What do you think about the Cup of Excellence?
That it is a competition that supports national coffees, as well as the producers and chooses the coffees of the best quality.
Rank | 1 |
Farm Name | Las Golondrinas |
Farmer/Rep. | Rodrigo Peralta Paguaga |
Altitude | 1600 masl |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2012 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 33 |
City | Mozonte |
Region | Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2012 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | AROMA: floral, orange, coffee blossom, butter, caramel,FLAVOR: spices, sweet lime, nutmeg, tangerine, pineapple, cherry, sugar cane, honey |
Acidity | distinctly tartaric |
Other | super clean and sweet, complete, balanced |
Processing system | Washed Sun |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 38 ha |
Farm Size | 167 ha |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2182.55 |
High bid | 22.40 |
Total value | 48889.12 |
High bidders | Busan Group - Momos Coffee, In Earth Coffee, Coffee Gongjang, People n Talk |