Las Mercedes is a farm that represents the maximum expression of great coffee. For the first time in El Salvador s COE history a farm from the east side of the country ranks in first place. Rejoicing in the newly discover land of great coffee, 3 hours away from San Salvador in the Cerro El Tigre, department of Usulutan, lays a farm that captures a dream in a cup. Roberto is full of pride when speaking about Las Mercedes, a farm that has been always cared with dedication and perseverance for four generations and more recently managed under the Rainforest Alliance certification standards. When you speak to Roberto and his workers you can feel the serious manner in how they care for the farm; for what it means to the community, for what it means to nature. Never allowing immature beans, only perfect ripeness that is picked and immediately processed right at the farm. The beans are received at the mills delicate receiving ceramic tiled tanks then washed with fresh collected rainwater and immediately depulped and processed and finally sun dried to perfection in clay patios surrounded by beautiful landscapes. Winning COE presidential award has given Roberto great satisfaction that he is doing the right thing and motives him to keep improving through better cultural practices and processing techniques. Visiting this farm is very rewarding since speaking to all workers will show you a sense of satisfaction. Teamwork is reinforced through a close personal and direct relationship with all workers. They feel truly identified with the farm and enjoy good relationship with Roberto, who says: It is not because I pay them that they do a better job, it is because they care and we try to create awareness regarding quality. From the person in charge of the farm to the person in charge of the mill, Roberto takes a step ahead into teaching their workers to strive for perfection at every task done at the farm. The COE Award will also boost up Robertos community support. Up to this day various social projects have been funded by Las Mercedes: from monthly food relief for an elderly home, to the building, furnishing, and supplying of a school, the support of the community soccer team and donations to the Red Cross. Most importantly, the medical care provided to the farm workers, as well as a quarterly reward of food supplies and clothing, as acknowledgement for their hard work and commitment to the farm. Efforts have been made with the community to preserve natural wild life. Special care has been taken in the disposal of byproducts of the mill to avoid contamination. In the last years, a great effort has been made in planting native trees to preserve these species, as well as helping fauna that depends on them.
Other Statistics
Average Annual Rainfall: 2,000 mm
Average Temperature: 22-16 ºC
Type of Soil: Sandy Loam
Type of Shade: Mountain Species such as mezcal, granadillo, guarlos and Ingas Sp.
Annual Production: 1,900 bags (60kg)
Mill and company where lot was process: El Pepinal
Latitude: N13º 28.0 6.15"
Longitude: W88º 26.0 3.76"
Rank | 1 |
Farm Name | Las Mercedes |
Farmer/Rep. | Ortiz Barriere, S.A. de C.V. |
Altitude | 1350 |
Country | El Salvador |
Year | 2006 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | Usulután |
Region | Santiago de Maria |
Program | El Salvador 2006 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 94 |
Farm Size | 100.8 |
High bid | 17.00 |
Total value | 41376.36 |
High bidders | Saza Coffee Co. Ltd. |