Histroy Wilmer Javier Lopez Soliz was born in La Libertad, Municipality of Lepaera, Department of Lempira. He began as a coffee producer in 1990, he´s married with Mirza Yamileth Murillo , 23 years old, and they have 2 kids: Wilmer Javier Lopez Murillo 9 years old and Cristofer Lopez Murillo 3 years old. He is part of the board members of the COCPROCAL cooperative since year 2000. Quality Practices Mr. Soliz is very careful milling his coffee. He makes sure just the ripe fruits are picked by doing a grain checking after the harvest.
The pulping process is done dry and the washing in fermentation tanks. After, the coffee is passed through the selection canal in which high, medium quality grains are classified. The dry process is done by distributing the coffee over mesh grill infrastructure, cement platforms and other solar dryers. Storage conditions are optimal, temperature is constantly monitored and the packing bags are new and made of nylon.
Environmental Care
This Coffee is shade grown and the water coming from the wet mill is treated in waste water tanks to reduce pollution on the soils and water bodies. Produces bio-fertilizer by using Californian earthworm ( Eisenia foetida ). Fertilization During the last few years no chemical fertilization has been done. Bio-fertilizers produced in the same farm are the only ones used. Disease and Pest Control Cultural practices and biological control when necessary Harvesting Handpicking of ripe grains of Coffee begins in December and finish in May. This task is performed by skillful men and woman. Pulping and Fermentation Wilmer has his own pulping machine and three fermentation tanks with classification canals for best separation of coffee types. Drying Wilmer dry his Coffee over cement platforms or mesh grill infrastructure in his farm.
Other Statistics:
Annual Production: 44 bags
Soil type: Clay loam
Annual precipitation: N/A
Shade Trees Species: Guama, Liquidambar, Guajiniquel and Musaceas
Water Source: Natural water sources from the farm
Number of Permanent Employees: 1
Number of Temporary Employees: 10 - 20
Rank | 39 |
Farm Name | El Belloto |
Farmer/Rep. | Wilmer Javier Lopez Zoliz |
Altitude | 1442 |
Country | Honduras |
Year | 2005 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 18 |
City | Lepaera |
Region | Lempira |
Program | Honduras 2005 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Wet Process |
Variety | Pacas |
Coffee Growing Area | 5 |
Farm Size | 25 |
High bid | 1.50 |
Total value | 4107.21 |
High bidders | Origins Coffee Roasterie |