He was born in the Yungas. His father arrived from Achacachi. This producer is 34 years old, married to Mercedes Verastegui, with whom he has three children. They currently live in their colony. The producer participated in the Cup of Excellence for the first time, and he hopes to participate every year. This year he was very excited he did, and thanks to the his efforts, he won, showing his product to the world and demonstrating that, yes, he can grow a high quality coffee. The producer has three hectares in coffee production at an altitude of 1450 to 1500 meters. He cultivates the varieties tipica, caturras, catuai and catimor. He is very grateful to have participated in the Cup of Excellence and received the trainings on the management of his coffee. He mentioned that he would not have been able to make this effort and earn his place in the competition without the support of the technicians, and that now he will participate every year with the organization ASIPAI.
Rank | 25 |
Farm Name | Café El Sombral |
Farmer/Rep. | Damian W. Condori Poma |
Altitude | 1530 |
Country | Bolivia |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 22 |
City | Caranavi |
Region | Yungas of La Paz |
Program | Bolivia 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | floral, perfume, sweet, citric, vanilla, chocolate, cherry, melon, grape, apricot, orange peel, banana |
Acidity | grapefruit, citric, transparent, crisp |
Other | creamy, smooth, good long aftertaste, floral notes, juicy |
Processing system | Individual processing harvesting of ripe cherries fermentate washed with clean spring water and s |
Variety | Caturra Criollo |
Coffee Growing Area | 3.5 |
Farm Size | 6 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1673.31 |
High bid | 5.31 |
Total value | 8885.28 |
High bidders | Moxxee Coffee |