Tomas Rodriguez is 63 years old, 35 dedicated to the coffee; he is a farmer from the north of the State of Huila, exactly form the Palermo municipality. His wife Mrs. Sara Diaz; as a father he is always offer to his children the opportunity of education and being train thanks to the school form the village, also taking courses in SENA; actually one of his sons Carlos Rodriguez is the leader of the Coffee Quality laboratory from the Cooperative CADEFIHUILA. His characteristic is to manage the mini-crops with a high quality conditions; by the way in his land he has the best conditions to produce high quality coffee. Today he is member of the associative group Ospina Perez from Palermo Huila, but because of hi is getting old he has delegate the responsibilities of the management to one of his sons Eberto Rodriguez; he and his wife Marilin Garcia and his daughter Yeraldine. Care of the Environment In Tomass land he is practicing the good taking care of the environment, in the high part of the farm he is planting protective species that are native from the region, and he is also doing prevented activities for the erosion with barriers of wood and fruit trees, in the parts that are in more risk of erosion. The farmer has ecologic process and natural fermentation. Process
Applications of chemical fertilizer.
They are doing the control of bushes weeds are by hand. For la broca they use cultural practices in the picking like RE-RE (Repaso de Recoleccion) Harvesting Review. HARVEST CYLE: Semester A 80% and Semester B 20% SYSTEM PROCESS: Traditional Washed
Other Statistics
Annual Production: N/A (70kg bags)
Soil Type: Clay Soil
Annual Precipitation: 1500 2000 mm Shade: Semi-shade 50%
Water Source: Water Birth Permanent Workers: 1 Temporary Workers: 10
Rank | 22 |
Farm Name | El Cacho |
Farmer/Rep. | Tomas Rodriguez Diaz |
Altitude | 1575 |
Country | Colombia North |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 17 |
City | Not Available |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Flavor- Aroma orange, fudge, blackberry, sugar cane, melon, lemon red currant, almond |
Acidity | malic, apple lemon citric |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Colombia 70% Typica 30% |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | -1 |
High bid | 4.20 |
Total value | 11018.7 |
High bidders | honuKATOCOFFEE Inc. |