Lote Randall Alfredo Ruiz Nunez began seeding coffee with his father around 50 years ago, with different types of coffee varieties. Soon, little by little, he decided to change the varieties of the initial plantations by new ones that where: more productive, resistant to plagues, resistant to diseases and much better quality. Nowadays, Alfredo renews and reseeds the exhausted coffee plantations, handling them with care in an efficient and sustainable way with the atmosphere, applying high volumes of organic matter. He controls the plagues, diseases, grass and nourishes the crop in a suitable way. Alfredo looks forward to produce every day an excellent quality coffee, than can allow him to continue advancing in the coffee business for the sake of his family, collaborators, and the community.
Rank | 18 |
Farm Name | Lote Randall |
Farmer/Rep. | Alfredo Ruiz Núñez |
Altitude | 1500 |
Country | Costa Rica |
Year | 2007 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 17 |
City | Barva |
Region | Heredia |
Program | Costa Rica 2007 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Mechanical Demucilaged |
Variety | Caturra Catuai |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 11 |
High bid | 3.15 |
Total value | 8145.97 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |