Sitio Brejinho is located in a microregion that has an ideal climate and altitude, lending truth to the name Special Coffee from the Mantiqueira Mountains. About 10 years ago the grower turned his attention to the production of quality above all else, seeking a competitive edge and greater monetary reward for his product. The farm has won various awards in competitions such as those organized by Brazil Specialy Coffee Association (BSCA), Minas Gerais Extension (EMATER) and Illycaffe. Sitio Brejinho coffee is produced with respect for nature, preserving forests and mountain springs, and promoting the well-being of its personnel.
Coffee processing system
The harvest is selectively hand-picked with a view to culling the largest possible number of ripe cherries. Sitio Brejinho is part of Rancho Sao Gabriel. That property has a century-long tradition of growing coffee and all the necessary infrastructure for processing the coffee, which goes from the washer to the pulper and is then spread out on concrete patios for drying, a procedure that is carried out with total dedication. These factors guarantee the quality of the product. Preparation of the coffee for market is done by the Rio Verde Valle Regional Coffee Producers Cooperative (COCARIVE), which today has an outstanding system for satisfying a demanding consumer market.
Commitment to quality
The grower places a high priority on acquiring knowledge through courses, conferences, and visits to other properties to exchange information. He receives technical guidance from COCARIVE, which provides full support for the production of high-quality coffees.
Rank | 14 |
Farm Name | Sitio Brejinho |
Farmer/Rep. | Antônio Gabriel De Castro Pereira |
Altitude | 1125 |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2011 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 34 |
City | Carmo De Minas |
Region | Sul De Minas |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2011 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | orange, floral, caramel, tobacco, grapes |
Acidity | citrus, bright, green apple |
Other | well balanced, silky, clean, buttery |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Yellow Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 35 |
Farm Size | 135 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2248.69 |
High bid | 5.40 |
Total value | 12142.94 |
High bidders | Terarosa Coffee (South Korea) |