I was born in the department of Narino. 7 years ago I came to this area and I bought the farm, it was completely unproductive. Right now all the farm, which is very small, is full with coffee, healthy and new trees. The farm gives me all the happiness the life haven't provide me, my wife died several years ago and we didn't have children. I am currently a member of the Associative Group "Las Vegas".
Environmental Care
I manage the solid wastes through recycling processes. I don't burn the land, I don't hunt and I don't have wildlife in captivity either. I do cultural control of the broca.
Coffee Processing Information
I collect only riped beans, I depulp the same day of the picking, fermenting takes between 14 to 16 hours, I wash using clean water and the drying process is done by sun exposure in patios.
Other Statistics:
Soil Type: Franco Arcilloso
Annual Precipitation: 1500 - 2000 millimeters
Shade Grown Type: Semishade
Water Source: Municipalty Acueduct
No. Permanent Employees: 1
No. Temporary Employees: 3
Rank | 19 |
Farm Name | La Nueva Esperanza |
Farmer/Rep. | Nilson Audenar Arciniegas |
Altitude | 1600 |
Country | Colombia South |
Year | 2006 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 23 |
City | La Plata |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia South 2006 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Traditional Wet Processing Process |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 1.5 |
Farm Size | 2 |
High bid | 3.05 |
Total value | 10825.8 |
High bidders | Ecom Japan Limited |