Histroy Sitio Bananal is located in the Municipality of Cristina, State of Minas Gerais, in the neighborhood of Agua Limpa, a traditional region for the production of good quality coffees. Located at an altitude of 1,100m, with excellent climate and soil, Sitio Bananal is obtaining high quality coffees, and in 2005 he was among the 10 first classified in the pulped cherry family category in the contest promoted by EMATER [Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company]. Adriano Jose Ribeiro de Carvalho inherited from his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents his liking for coffee growing. He has been dedicating attention and care to all phases of coffee production, from planting the nursery trees, which is made respecting contour lines to protect the soil, to the final stages of drying the beans.
Coffee processing system
Coffee is picked manually, and only the ripe beans are picked. On the same day the coffee is picked, it is spread out on a cement terrace and revolved many times a day to obtain a homogeneous drying of the beans. When the beans reach 11% humidity they are stored in a bin to rest for approximately 60 days. No driers are used. Beans are pulped by the wet process. Concern with quality The goal in Sitio Bananal is to obtain excellent quality beans. For that to occur, the farm follows the directions of agronomists, and plenty of attention is focused on the beans on the terraces after harvesting.
Rank | 20 |
Farm Name | Sitio Bananal |
Farmer/Rep. | Adriano José Ribeiro de Carvalho |
Altitude | -1 |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2005 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | Cristina |
Region | Minas Gerais |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2005 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Yellow Bourbón Red Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 15 |
High bid | 3.00 |
Total value | 6349.31 |
High bidders | World Coffee Co.,Ltd. |