COADECA MUZO is a Coffee washing station located in high altitude of Gakenke District Northern Province. In this CoE 2010 competition it ranked 11th with 86.3
KOBAKANYA is a dynamic cooperative operating in Nyaruguru District Southern Province. This site won the 12th with 86 in the 2010 CoE Competition Coffee Washing Station coordinates
Latitude: 457385
Longitude: 9697484
Province: South
District: Nyaruguru
Sector: Nyagisozi
Altitude: 1819 meters, processing cherries from 1600 to 1900 meters
Coffee variety: Bourbón
Soil type: Clay, clay - sandy
Soil Ph mean: 5.3
Precipitation range: 1300 to 1400 mm
Temperature range: 17 -18 degrees
Status: Cooperative
Number of farmers: 728
Creation date: 2005
Treatment capacity: 1000 tons
Processing System: Wet processing
Drying table: 32, full sun drying, 12% moist controlled with a Shore Coffee Model moisture meter.
Storage: One warehouse with natural ventilation system and pallets
Road accessibility: Good
Water source: Natural spring
Energy Source: Generator
Environmental protection measures: Natural seepage Farmer Information Kamanzi Baziruwunguka Bisonzinturire Ndimurwango Rwabutogo Ass: Abakundakawa Sijyemusa Matabaro Nsabimana Karenzo
Rank | 12 |
Farm Name | Nyakizu CWS |
Farmer/Rep. | Kagabo Egide |
Altitude | 1750 |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2010 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 33 |
City | Nyaruguru |
Region | Southern |
Program | Rwanda 2010 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | sweet tea, honey, floral, lemon, heavy, Darjeeling tea, mango, buttery, rum, green tea |
Acidity | plum lemony crisp, clean, Noteworthy- strawberry aftertaste, soft |
Processing system | Wet Process |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | -1 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2182.58 |
High bid | 7.30 |
Total value | 15932.83 |
High bidders | Kaffebrenneriet as |