Owner: Ever Leonel Diaz Perez. Location. This property is located in the Village Montañita, Canton El Túnel, municipality of La Palma, department of Chalatenango. Altitude. The average altitude of the farm is 1,350 meters above sea level. Cultivated varieties. The farm has two apples of the pacas variety and two of Pacamara, in a broken topography, which makes difficult to carry out the different cultural tasks, the collection, and transport of the coffee to the place of despulpe. Shadow. The farm is covered with shade of pepeto trees (Genero Ingas) The conservation of natural resources is basic so we take great care of two sources of water that exists within the farm. Drying the coffee. The drying of the coffee is made in African beds which have been made by the same owner. Message from the producer: Every day we strive to produce the best coffee, so that its sweetness and acidity are clear and transparent, and that consumers can easily perceive these qualities. We ask the buyers to offer for the coffee of the farm my Leydy, with that they will be allowing the generation of more employment, clean air, and water in abundance.