Located in the town of La Democracia, in the department of Huehuetenango, it is
55 km away. Of the departmental head. It has an extension of 90 Ha. And its altitude
ranges from 1,400 to 2050 meters above sea level.
The average rainfall is 1.5 meters a year. It has clay loam-sand soils and despite the height
and its topographic conditions, in addition to being at the end of a canyon through which
hot air flows from the lower parts of la Democracia and la Libertad, Huehuetenango, early
produces one of the best coffees from the country.
It belongs to the Ovalle family since 1990, it is framed in the category of small private
farms. Its production has varied from the beginning as it has been constantly renewed and
currently it has several certification seals that make it special and unique in the region.
Due to its topographic conditions, it receives hot air from the lower parts of Democracia
and allows its harvest to proceed, entering the market with specialty coffees with strong
acidity and characteristics with unmatched profiles, during the months of January and
February and March.
Among the social projects that the farm manages, is the support to the school of the
closest community of influence, making annual donations for desks and plates, in addition
to contributing to the constant improvement of the quality of life of the collaborators.
For being certified NOP USDA organic, Rain Forest Alliance, Utz Cappe and Café
Practices, for 8 years now, improvements in the management of water honey from the
fermentations, wastewater, garbage and waste in general, is done in a very strict way,
carrying out conferences of education and awareness, promoting the proper use of water
and care for our water sources, in addition to the proper use of natural fertilizers and soil
conservation, etc.
The varieties currently grown on the farm are Bourbon, Caturra, Sl28, Paraneima and
Pacamara. The lot with which we participated this year is 6 Ha. From Pacamara, 4 years
old, located at 1700 masl, with a Honney process.