Roxanita Farm is located in Caserío “Montañita” canton “El Túnel”, Municipality of La Palma and Department of Chalatenango, El Salvador in Central America; the farm was an inheritance from Mr. Gutierrez father around 1991 after the war.
There was no a specific delimitation of the property becoming a single piece of land.
The owner attributes the excellence of the harvest to the great weather in the area, the constant attention to the plantation, adding real commitment on the daily development of the process to get the best coffee in the region, being this the first year participating in this event we ensured success the current year and hopefully the upcoming one.
Other Statistics:
Location: La Palma
Coffee varieties: Pacamara.
Type of Shade: Cedar and diquidambo
Average Annual Rainfall: 1,800 mm
Average Temperature: 18º C
Type of Soil: Clay loam
Annual Production: (60kg) 180 bags
Mill and company where lot was process: Cuzcachapa Mill
Flora: Cedars, cuje, pines, cypress to name a few.
Fauna: Squirrels, rabbits, deer, four different types of birds
Fertilization methods: Organic
Herbicides application: Manual
Environmental conservation practices: Flora and fauna protection in the area.
Processing information:
Pulping type: Pulping machine.
Washing type: Natural
Fermentation type: None
Water treatment: Wellspring water
Dry type: Solar, in special yards.