Sitio Monte Alegre is located in the city of Carmo de Minas, in the Sul de Minas Gerais, in the Aba da Serra da Mantiqueira, at an elevation of 1200 meters. The region is differentiated and favorable for producing high-quality beans and the best drink from Brazil. The topography is mountainous and the climate favorable for coffee growing, with an average annual rainfall of 1800 mm and an average temperature of 18° C. Glycia is dedicated to sustainable coffee production, always keeping the preservation of the environment in mind. The farm has reserves for preserving native vegetation, which shelter large plant species and several wild animals. Mrs. Glycia Carneiro is a member producer of APROCAM, an association that prioritizes quality improvement and the specialty coffee business and is a member of COCARIVE.
Coffee processing system:
The harvest is selective, done when the fruit is very ripe, done by hand over cloth to avoid the beans coming in contact with the ground. On the same day that it is harvested, the coffee is put in bags and transported to the processing area. The coffee processing is done at Grupo Sertão’s processing centers, where the coffee goes shortly after being harvested. At these processing centers, the coffee is washed, pulped and dried on patios and in dryers, always following a quality booklet. When it arrives at the processing center, the coffee is washed, and operation that also separates the dry beans, and then goes to the pulper, which, in addition to pulping the coffee cherries, also separates the green beans. The pulped coffee cherry is taken to dry on a concrete patio, and may, if necessary, to go the dryer in the final drying phase to reach the ideal level of humidity. After drying, the coffee is placed in wooden rest boxes for a period of at least 30 days for rest and homogeneity of the beans. Upon being removed from the boxes, the beans, which are always separated into lots, are at the ideal point to be processed and sent to COCARIVE’s warehouses in Carmo de Minas, MG.
Concern about quality:
Since the beginning of production, SITIO MONTE ALEGRE has relied upon the guidance of agronomists from Pró-Café and Cocarive. The continuous search for improvement of the beans and of the drink is the top priority. All the coffee lots are tested and followed year by year. The choice of producing specialty coffees demands much attention and dedication from the producer. Traceability becomes indispensible both for understanding the property and the product and for making decisions about substituting a crop and choosing varieties to be planted.
Rank | 9 |
Farm Name | Sitio Monte Alegre |
Farmer/Rep. | Glycia Emerenciana Pereira Carneiro |
Altitude | 1100 masl |
Country | Brazil Pulped Naturals |
Year | 2013 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 46 |
City | Carmo de Minas |
Region | MG |
Program | Brazil Pulped Naturals 2013 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Lemon, floral, caramel, cocoa, caramelized lime, sparkling |
Acidity | balanced, complex acidity, very good profile |
Other | consistent, creamy, body well structured, amazing mouth feel, carrot finish |
Processing system | Pulped Natural |
Variety | Yellow Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 20 hectares |
Farm Size | 30 hectares |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 3042 |
High bid | 5.80 |
Total value | 17643.6 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |