Name and Location of the Farm:
The farm Santa Maria de Lourdes is located in the Community Bayuncun # 3, 13km from San Fernando, Nueva Segovia. Latitude 13º 46' 58" North longitude and 86º 19' 15"West.
Tell us The Farm History:
This property was acquired in 1994. In order to produce high quality coffee because it is in the mountain range Dipilto-Jalapa. With great potential highland in order to protect and conserve the natural reserve.
The farm has an Average Height 1350 - 1550 mosl, average precipitation 1,600-1,800 mm. The temperature is 18° -23° C., Soil type is sandy loam. The farm has an extension of 106.91 Apples of land; from these 45.22 are Coffee areas. We have an average production of 1500 Quintals; we produce varieties Catuai red and yellow.
Family Generations:
The family Peralta Canahuati is the third generation, consists of 5 members including the husband and wife and three children including one girl and two boys.
What is your secret for winning the competition?
Integrated crop handling in farm, good practices in wet and dry mill and a very important factor which is quality control (cupping).
How do you feel to have been a winner?
I feel good, very happy also very grateful to God and especially, with my staff too for their hard work being among achieve the best quality coffees.
What do you think about the Cup of Excellence?
That is an excellent way to evaluate and rate the different coffees of the country and in the same way to present the best coffees from Nicaragua .
Rank | 6 |
Farm Name | Santa Maria de Lourdes |
Farmer/Rep. | Octavio José Peralta Paguaga |
Altitude | 1450 masl |
Country | Nicaragua |
Year | 2009 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 33 |
City | Nueva Segovia |
Region | Bayancun, San Fernando, Nueva Segovia |
Program | Nicaragua 2009 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | lemon grass, brown sugar, delicate fragrance, chocolate, passion fruit, tropical fruit, stone fruit, cinnamon, dried fruit sweet papaya |
Acidity | crisp lively, citric, elegant, well balanced, refined |
Other | creamy mouthfeel, long finish, honey, creamy body |
Processing system | Washed sun dried |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 45 ha |
Farm Size | 107 ha |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2485 |
High bid | 6.00 |
Total value | 14910 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd. |