Finca El Izote
Located: in the northern part of the department of Chalatenango in the municipality of La Palma, it is located on the slopes of the mountains that form the mountain range of Alotepec and Metapán
Meters: 1400 meters above sea level.
Varieties that you cultivate: Pacamara and Pacas
History Finca El Izote
Owner: Oscar Ernesto Aguilar
The farm "El Izote" began to grow in 1998 with a variety of bales, this being a legacy of my father Adelmo Aguilar who started with the cultivation of the pacas variety; And looking for an improvement in coffee in the year 2013 and Oscar Ernesto Aguilar I started with the cultivated the coffee pacamara, at the moment Izote has a territorial extension of 8 apples of which 6 are cultivated of paca and 2 mz, the variety pacamara.