
Region: Buesaco, Nariño
Score: 90.25
Variety: Caturra y Castillo
Altitude: 2.100 m.a.s.l
José Antonio is coffee producer since 1999, since then he began to get knowledge about the coffee production. In 2010 he decided to participate for the first time in the Cup of Excellence competition getting the first place with his caturra scoring 94.95. Right after this achievement, the coffee leaf rust, La roya hit his plantation, making him replace part of his caturra threes for other resistant varieties.
Today, he accounts for three different varieties in his farm, Castillo, Colombia and caturra. And he is certain that the quality of his coffee is based on the appropriate Agronomical management and processing. José Antonio recognizes that professional guidance and love for his job are crucial factors to get great results.
“Thanks to Cup of Excellence, the Buesaco municipality has managed to get a special recognition that has allowed many buyers to visit this region and has allowed us to interact with people from other countries.”
Rank | 5a |
Farm Name | La Loma 2017 |
Farmer/Rep. | José Antonio Gualguan Espada |
Altitude | 2.100 m.a.s.l |
Country | Colombia |
Year | 2017 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 8 |
City | Buesaco |
Region | Nariño |
Program | Colombia 2017 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Caramel, chocolatey, cocoa, apricot jam, butterscotch, rose tea, orange, grandaillia, floral, white sugar, golden raisin. |
Acidity | Citrus, sweet lime, brilliant, transparent, well balanced, consistent. |
Other | Peach, elegant and improved on cool, score, buttery mouthfeel, super balanced. |
Processing system | Washed |
Variety | Caturra |
Farm Size | - |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 529.11 |
High bid | 13.10 |
Total value | 6931.34 |
High bidders | Saza Coffee |