Located in one of the major coffee region of Rwanda, with coffee farms distributed on steep hills at high altitude, this processing site ranked second in the competition. Coffee Washing Station coordinates
Latitude: 491556
Longitude: 9811518
Province: North
District: Rulindo
Sector: Bushoki
Altitude: 1794 meters, processing cherries from 1700 to 2100 meters
Coffee variety: Arabica
Soil type: Silt-clay-sandy and silty-sandy
Soil Ph mean: 4.7
Precipitation range: 1200 to 1300 mm
Temperature range: 17 -18 degrees
CWS Owner: FACKO s.a.r.l.
Status: Private
Creation date: 2005
Treatment capacity: 297tons
Fermentation method: Dry
Drying table: 80, full sun drying, 12% moist controlled with a Shore Coffee Model moisture meter.
Storage: One warehouse with natural ventilation system and pallets
Road accessibility: Fair
Water source: mountain natural spring
Energy Source: Electricity
Farmers Representative: Nsengumuremyi Jean
Farmers Assicated With the Lot: Kanyenyeri Kamali Mukamana Agnes Uwimana Florien Ruhumuriza Antoine Bizimana Kamufozi Minani J.Batiste Udahemuka Jean Habimana Ecole Primaire de Kadendegeri Umwizaninde Cleophas Mbagaza J.Batiste Munyagaju Karinganire Barigenderaho Boniface Uzamushaka Therese Mukandizi M.Goretti Kayijuka
Rank | 2 |
Farm Name | Fakco-Rulindo |
Farmer/Rep. | Nsengumuremyi Jean |
Altitude | -1 |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2008 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 18 |
City | Rulindo |
Region | North |
Program | Rwanda 2008 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Aroma- sweet citric (12), jasmine (12), floral (12), orange blossom (4), apricot (6), peach (4), winey note, spicy. Flavor- black fruit (17), black currant (10), bergamot (9), mandarin (3), apricot (3), raisin (2), black plum (7), black berry (8), caramel (3), coffee fruit, jammy, strawberry(3), black tea (6), cedar, peach (8). Mouthfeel juicy (14), creamy (7), buttery, heavy (6), good clarity(5), cooled well. |
Acidity | well balanced (19), complex fruit (20), elegant (9), transparent (7), refined (4). Cooled well (11) |
Processing system | Rw a fully washed Arabica |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | -1 |
High bid | 16.05 |
Total value | 38214.93 |
High bidders | Maruyama Coffee for Mikatajuku Group, Itoya Coffee, Orsir Coffee |