Colombia Cup of Excellence Jury Awards 9 Lots 90+Breaking COE Record

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Portland, Oregon USA (September 24th) – On Thursday, September 20th the Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE) concluded its 15th edition of the Cup of Excellence (COE) in Colombia. The competition was held in Armenia. The panel represented markets from Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, United States, Germany, Thailand, Russia, Australia and Colombia.

Farmers from 8 departments submitted 208 samples which got narrowed down to 37 samples for international week from Cauca, Huila, Nariño, Quindío and Tolima. From those coffees, 27 have made it to the COE Auction, which will take place Tuesday, November 13th.

“It has been awhile since attending a COE in Colombia and I was so taken with the qualities of the coffees submitted to the International Jury. With nine coffees awarded Presidential Certificates for quality, we found jasmine, stone fruit, depth of tropical and sweet prune flavors in so many of the coffees. A truly exceptional set of submissions, thanks to the efforts of a keen national jury made the week at Armenia worth every second and the coffees remarkable,” said Leah Warren of the US-based Mercanta.

The COE International jury gave scores 90 and above to a COE record breaking 9 top lots. Any coffees scoring 90 and above for the final score of the competition receives the Presidential Award. These top lots are split in half and sold as 2 split lots during the auction. Edward Strachan from Single O in Australia said, “From the remarkable to the faultless, I cannot wait to share with the world the exemplary range of quality that we experienced in this competition! It’s all I have been able to talk about!” Andres Londoño Montoya ranked 1st place, making it the first time a coffee has won 1st place from the Quindío region. Mr. Montoya scored a 91.35 with a washed Gesha Bourbón blend from the farm Cumaral. The second-place winner, Duberney Cifuentes Fajardo scored 91.18 with a washed Gesha from the farm La España 1. Mr. Montoya, who ranked 1st place also ranked 3rd place with his farm Manantiales del Frontino scoring 91 with a washed Gesha. The 4th place position went to Robinson Olivera from the farm Las Cuevas scoring 90.91 with a washed Colombia variety.

For the full list of Colombia competition winners follow the link:

Upcoming 2018 auctions include:
Burundi (October 2nd) Peru (November 2) Colombia (November 13th) Brazil Pulped Naturals (November 29) Brazil Naturals (December 5)

About Alliance for Coffee Excellence & Cup of Excellence®
Alliance for Coffee Excellence is a non-profit global membership organization dedicated to advancing excellence in coffee. Cup of Excellence, a program which gives out the most prestigious award in coffee, has affected thousands of farmers. Its unmatched focus on quality discovery, farmer premiums and transparency has changed the specialty coffee industry. For more information about membership, juries and to register for the Cup of Excellence or national winning samples and their auctions log on to:

Darrin Daniel
Executive Director
Alliance for Coffee Excellence
Email: [email protected]

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