Abakunda Kawa Minazi
Minazi is a mini-station as part of the Abakunda Kawa cooperative . The main station is also located in the Gakenke district with coffees at high altitude. They ranked fourth in the competition. Coffee Washing Station coordinates
Latitude: 475507
Longitude: 9806750
Province: North
District: Gakenke
Sector: Minazi
Altitude: 1755 meters, processing cherries from 1500 to 2000 meters
Coffee variety: Arabica
Soil type: Heavy to very heavy clay
Soil Ph mean: 5.3
Precipitation range: 1300 to 1400 mm
Temperature range: 17 -18 degrees
CWS Owner: Abakunda Kawa Minazi
Status: Cooperative
Number of farmers: 1937
Creation date: 2007
Treatment capacity: 297 tons
Fermentation method: Dry
Drying table: 28, full sun drying, 12% moist controlled with a Shore Coffee Model moisture meter.
Storage: Two warehouse with natural ventilation system and pallets
Road accessibility: Bad
Water source: mountain natural spring
Energy Source: Generator & solar
Farmers Representative: Ribarimana Jean Baptiste
Farmers Assicated With the Lot: Mutabazi Elias Ngendahumwami Jean Damascene Karushara Daphrose Niyonambaza Clemantine Tuyesinge Jonas Muzungu Fabien Murengashuro Felecien Singirankabo Philipe Hakizimana Mathieu Mayonde Drocelle Nziyumvira Didace Ntahontuye Gaspard Mujawabega Laurence Gashugi innocent Mukaruziga Leocadie Ndacayisenga Syldio Iyamuremye Jean Marie Vianney Ngendahimana Patrice Uwiziyimana Gharmariel Ubudehe Nyanza Zunguruka Celestin Nyirambabariye Josephine Ayigihugu Madelene Mbyariyehe Celestin Ubedehe Kabuga Ribarimana Jean Baptiste Mukamurenzi Marie Munyakazi Hilare Dusengimana Silas Ubedehe Gahombo Munyandekwe Augusti Nyirambabariye Josephine Ahiroreye Flodouard Ndamiyabagabo Arcade Ubudehe Gisovu Ugirashebuja Silas Kandamutsa Eupphrasie Nyirashirambere Eugenie Nyirabagenzi Vestine Havugimana Paul Mukandori Pascasie Ndarisanganwe Jean Marie Vianney Gasana Diogene
Rank | 4 |
Farm Name | Sdl Minazi Abakundakawa |
Farmer/Rep. | Ribarimana Jean Baptiste |
Altitude | -1 |
Country | Rwanda |
Year | 2008 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 16 |
City | Gakenke |
Region | North |
Program | Rwanda 2008 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Aroma- caramel (19), honey (8), lemon grass (4), chocolate (12), orange blossom (9), toffee (2), vanilla (3) . Flavor- caramel (11), floral (8), orange (13), green grape (4), plum (5), black berry (6), green apple (2), orange honey (6), pear (3). Mouth Feel- smooth (14), creamy (12), syrupy (5), buttery (2), clear (7). |
Acidity | citric (19), sweet (12), sparkling (6), bright and crisp (2). |
Processing system | Rw a fully washed Arabica |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | -1 |
Farm Size | -1 |
High bid | 8.55 |
Total value | 18095.54 |
High bidders | Bewleys Ltd |