My wife and I received the farm as an inheritage of her parents 5 years ago. When we received the farm, it only had 0,5 hectares in coffee and after several years of hardwork of my wife, our children and myself, the area in coffee has increased to 3 hectares, totally technified. We received permanent support from the Extension Service of the Committee of Coffee Growers of Tolima. I am so very passionate with the quality of the coffee .
Environmental Care
There are almost 2 hectares of native forest in the farm, which I protect carefully. In this protected area, are born 2 small sources of fresh water. I don't hunt nor allow the people to hunt in the farm.
Coffee Processing Information
As I am very passionate with the quality of coffee, I know that I have to pick only ripe beans, the depulping is done the same day, washing is done the next day and drying process takes place in parabolic devices.
Other Statistics:
Soil Type: Franco Arcilloso
Annual Precipitation: 1500 - 2000 millimeters
Shade Grown Type: Semishade
Water Source: Natural Source
No. Permanent Employees: 2
No. Temporary Employees: 8
Rank | 29 |
Farm Name | La Esperanza #1 |
Farmer/Rep. | Luis Victor Burbano Perilla |
Altitude | 1650 |
Country | Colombia South |
Year | 2006 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 30 |
City | Planadas |
Region | Tolima |
Program | Colombia South 2006 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Traditional Wet Processing Process |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 5 |
High bid | 2.25 |
Total value | 10416.84 |
High bidders | Katocoffee Inc. |