Robert is a 38 years old producer. He is a leader in his community. He has been part of the directive council of the local association. He is married and the family is conformed by 4 children. He has been building his farm year to year with dedication a big effort. He is a member of the Association of Agricultural Producers Las Delicias.
Environmental Care
He has in the farm native and fruit shade trees, such as, cachimbos, avocadoes, mangoes, etc. There is also a fresh water source in the farm which he protects. He is committed with the reforestation programs in his farm looking for recovering the natural forest.
Coffee Processing Information
Coffee is despulped the same day of the harvest. The fermentation takes all the night and washing is done the next morning using clean and fresh water. The drying process is done in parabolic solar drier.
Other Statistics:
Soil Type: Franco Arenoso Aluvial
Annual Precipitation: 1,750 millimeters
Shade Grown Type: Semi shade
Water Source: Natural sources in the farm
No. Permanent Employees: 2
No. Temporary Employees: 10
Rank | 18 |
Farm Name | El Progreso |
Farmer/Rep. | Robert Sánchez Rico |
Altitude | 1350 |
Country | Colombia North |
Year | 2006 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 15 |
City | Elìas |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2006 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Traditional Wet Processing process |
Variety | Caturra (50% ) Colombia (50% ) |
Coffee Growing Area | 3 |
Farm Size | 7 |
High bid | 3.60 |
Total value | 8333.47 |
High bidders | UCC Ueshima Coffee Co., Ltd. |