The producer
Mauricio A. Salaverría, owner of Tablón or lot "Divisadero" has been involved in coffee all his life thanks to his parents and grandparents, who where all devoted specialty growers from western El Salvador . Since a very young age the weekends were reserved for the farms and the families "beneficio". Mauricio now manages his five small farms and ecological wet mill with a long history of preserving nature and producing the best cup of shaded Bourbóns. This year VillaGalicia was also one of the finalist at #13 of 2OL4 Cup of Excellence, and this same coffee was served all over Japan for COE 2010 competition ; this show the consistency and ethic of Divisadero teamwork . You can follow Divisadero , VillaGalicia and the rest of the farms year round on his Twitter account username moesal101 or in facebook/divisaderocafefarms
The Historv
Tablón Dlvisadero lies next to the well known Himalaya farm in the Apaneca highlands, the five hectáreas were bought in 2009 from a cousin who left to Canada and wanted the property to be left in good hands. Finca Himalaya has been in the Salaverría's Lagos family long coffee tradition since the late 1800's and ít still mostly cultivated with Bourbón and Typica var¡etals that have made its cup world renowned . Add to this the outstanding microclimate, altitude and the perfect picking of the cherry. The coffees are all processed in our own Micro Mill, and you get the delicate and sophisticated cup of your dreams...
Rank | 22a |
Farm Name | Tablon Divisadero - 14 |
Farmer/Rep. | Mauricio Arturo Salaverria Caceres |
Altitude | 1550 masl |
Country | El Salvador |
Year | 2014 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 24 |
City | Apaneca |
Region | Ahuachapan |
Program | El Salvador 2014 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | apricot, bread, sweet orange, peach mango, dates, caramel, milk chocolate, bergamot, earl gray tea |
Acidity | lime, citrus, crisp |
Other | harmonious sweet, long finish and aftertaste.Body: velvety, creamy |
Processing system | Semi-Washed |
Variety | Bourbón |
Coffee Growing Area | 5 ha |
Farm Size | 5 ha |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 1579 |
High bid | 7.20 |
Total value | 11368.8 |
High bidders | Wataru & Co., Ltd |