Ines Perafan Piamba is part of a Colombia n Coffee family of 10 brothers and sisters, that live in the south of Huila state, municipality of Pitalito, from a great village that in the pass was call La Danta; there the crop that was predominant was coffee, and also some diverse products that at the time were sold in the market of the mentioned municipality and also in a great path called Bruselas. She built her home with a coffee farmer also Nabor Antonio Daza; they have two boys and a girl, who support frequently the activities they need to develop at the farm. Ines is a Lady characterized by her valor and decision in the management of the farm; she spends all her time there. She thinks that the quality coffee is valuable and she always says that her coffee is worth, it is the fruit of her work and she is tender to sell the good things she produce to this that have a good taste for high quality things, she is an intrepid woman, with aspirations and interested in excelling in front the community and this it is her way a honest and valiant one to make things. The farm Los Olivos is located in a slope zone, in the path Puerto Lleras. This causes that the cares required in the establishment of the plantations are straighter, they are also doing good agricultural practices. It owns a valuable water birth, taken care of with rigorous fervor, because the family feeds itself there and is used for the healthy benefit of coffee. The coffee plantations initiate to obtain the shady one of the trees that Mrs. Ines planted with woody and ornamental trees. There she has a small flower garden of Lilies, with which she receives some income for the familiar necessities at the quite time of the coffee. Besides the precise fulfillment of each activity for coffee, Mrs. Ines dedicates to good weather for an appropriate selection and opportune drying of the coffee. She says that the women we characterized ourselves by the curiosity to make all the activities, this causes that we are between the coffee guys, challenging of equal to equal. Her phrase: The culture of the coffee has offered what we have today, is a fruit that dynamism the economy and generates use; in addition with coffee I had the opportunity to offer my children education.
Rank | 14 |
Farm Name | Los Olivos |
Farmer/Rep. | Ines Perafan Piamba |
Altitude | 1654 |
Country | Colombia North |
Year | 2011 |
Size (30kg boxes) | 43 |
City | Pitalito |
Region | Huila |
Program | Colombia North 2011 |
Month | - |
Processing system | Washed Coffee |
Variety | Caturra |
Coffee Growing Area | 1 |
Farm Size | 1 |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 2301.63 |
High bid | 7.60 |
Total value | 17492.39 |
High bidders | InterAmerican Coffee GmbH (Germany), Johan & Nyström (Sweden), elbgold Röstkaffee GmbH (Germany) |