La Esmeralda 1
Owner: Oscar Roberto Murgas Linares
Name of the farm: La Esmeralda 1
Region: Ataco, Cordillera Apaneca - Ilamatepec,
Harvest month: December, January
Height: 1300 - 1400 meters above sea level
Extension: 12 hectares
Average production: 100 qq.
Coordinates: 13º51'01.30 N; 89º52'28.27 "O
Blooms: March, April
Awards obtained:
no. 41 competition cup of excellence El Salvador 2011
no. 9 competition cup of excellence el salvador 2014
no. 11 competition coffee of El Salvador exceptional quality for the world 2016
no. 13 competition cup of excellence El Salvador 2017
no. 36 competition table of excellence El Salvador 2018
Varieties: The farm is cultivated with Varieties, Pacamara 45% and Bourbon 45% and 10% of other varieties such as Icatú and Costa Rica 95
Type of soil: clay loam,
Average temperature / climate: 20º
Average rainfall: 2,800 mm.
Types of shade: Coffee is worked under natural shade composed bynative and exotic trees, a high percentage are from the Ingas family, nitrogen fixators.
Shade density: 60%
Growing conditions: Special coffee,
Types of Flora: The farm has trees native to the area, Oak, Mezcal, Mountain sap, cypress and other varieties that harbor different species of epiphytes that live in the branches of said trees.
Types of Fauna: The farm has animals such as: Armadillo, Cotuza, Tigrillo, Gato Montes, Squirrel,Tacuacín or sarigüella, Rabbit, Weasel, Moles between others, as well as varieties of snakes such as: Buzzing, coral, chichicuba, bejuquilla, masacuata, Castilian, bell, timbre, etc. Within the fauna We find a great variety of birds, some of which
are in danger of extinction, the varieties existing are: Urraca, Zanate, Tecolote, Chiltota, Sparrowhawk, Torogoz, Chonta, Guacalchía, Pijuyo, Cheje, Sparrow, Gallina Mona, Guachoca, Siguamonta, Chachas, Perdíz, Dove, Tortolas, Piscoy, parakeets, etc.
From the owner: The farm belongs to a small family composed of four members: Oscar Roberto Murgas Linares and his wife Maira Esmeralda Gutiérrez de Murgas, his two daughters: Maira Saraí and Rocío Verónica.
Location of the farm: The farm is located in the place called Patio de Balls, Ataco, department of Ahuachapán
Work practices: Work on the farm is traditionally carried out by people of the place, the cultural practices that are developed are coffee plantations, pruning coffee appreciatively, the shade is pruned so that the coffee plant can develop keeping the ecosystem balanced, applications are made foliar fertilizer, as well as soil applications. The weeds are control manual, to control pests and diseases are made with products Organic green label.
We believe that the effort that has been made on the farm in the management of their coffee plantations, the good selection of well-ripened coffee has reflected the quality of the grain that the area has coffee maker, our commitment is to continue working to maintain that quality and have the opportunity to participate again in said event.
Fertilization Methods: Chemical fertilizers granulated to the ground, are also made
foliar applications. Environmental conservation practices (live barriers of izote, cajueliado, pits or rafts retention) The management of the coffee plantation is appreciative.
• Variety: The cultivated variety is Pacamara and Bourbon
• Collection: The coffee is cut when it is at its optimum point, red wine color, 100% grape,
• Pulping: Once the coffee is cut on the same day, it is passed to the pulpero, to remove the skin or pulp, and then with 100% honey, it extends into the
• African beds, to start the drying process.
• Drying and rocking: it is important since the coffee is spread over the zaram, give a constant stirring so that the honey is homogenized in all the coffee, and of those fruit aromas that are typical of the coffee in the area.
• Honey process, 100%
• Drying in African Zaram bed, 18 to 25 days of drying point.
• The humidity of the dried parchment is 11%
Rank | 36 |
Farm Name | La Esmeralda 1 |
Farmer/Rep. | Oscar Roberto Murgas Linares |
Altitude | 1300-1400 |
Country | El Salvador |
Year | 2018 |
City | Ahuachapan |
Program | El Salvador 2018 |
Month | - |
Aroma/Flavor | Floral, berry, jasmine, orange, wine, brown sugar, peach, orange |
Acidity | Structured, tangerine |
Other | Round, creamy, dry |
Processing system | Honey |
Variety | Pacamara |
Auction Lot Size (lbs.) | 980 |
Kilos | 444.53 |